Add an SMTP server to a Grails application
Quite a long time ago I talked about setting envelope sender addresses so that I could send mailshots and get back any bounces in a useful way. The missing component to it was to process those bounces within my application. Here, finally, is my write up of how I did this.
After much searching I eventually found the excellent SubEtha SMTP project which made including an SMTP server within my Grails application incredibly easy. Just four simple steps are required...
Include the library (grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy):
dependencies {
compile('org.subethamail:subethasmtp:3.1.4') {
excludes 'mail'
Write a SubEtha message listener (for me: src/groovy/com/supajam/smtp/MessageListener.groovy):
package com.supajam.smtp;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.subethamail.smtp.TooMuchDataException;
import org.subethamail.smtp.helper.SimpleMessageListener
import com.supajam.BounceRecord
public class MessageListener implements SimpleMessageListener {
private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageListener.class);
public boolean accept(String from, String recipient) {
return true;
public void deliver(String from, String recipient, InputStream data) throws TooMuchDataException, IOException {
// I use this to process bounce messages, but it's just an
// email message that could be processed however you like
BounceRecord.withTransaction {
if (log.isDebugEnabled())
log.debug("Processing mail from " + from + " to " + recipient);
// The regex on the next line is specific to my VERP scheme
def origAddr = recipient =~ /-(.+=.+)@/
if(origAddr && origAddr[0].size() > 1) {
// here I extract the source address, ensure it's
// valid, record the bounce and remove the address
// from the mailing list.
I've included an outline of the code that I actually use to process incoming email - all of which I know will be bounce messages. There's nothing to force this use though, it's just a generic way to receive emails into an application.
Wire it together with Spring (grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy):
beans = {
// Create an in-process SMTP server for processing bounces
smtpMessageListenerAdapter(org.subethamail.smtp.helper.SimpleMessageListenerAdapter, ref('smtpMessageListener'))
smtpServer(org.subethamail.smtp.server.SMTPServer, ref('smtpMessageListenerAdapter')) {
port = 2500
hostName = ""
disableTLS = true
maxConnections = 10
To avoid running my grails application as root, I set the SMTP port to a high number (2500 in this example). Getting emails delivered to such a port is beyond this post (but personally I use iptables redirects).
Finally, make it run at application start (grails-app/conf/BootStrap.groovy):
class BootStrap {
def smtpServer
def init = { servletContext ->
log.debug("Starting SMTP server")
try {
catch(Exception e) {
// Starting the web application is more important
// than SMTP, so just log the failure and carry on
log.error("SMTP server could not be started")
def destroy = {
log.debug("Stopping SMTP server")
I guard the SMTP server start just in case there's a problem. No SMTP server is a nuisance but no web application is very bad. Just for cleanliness I also attempt to stop it in the destroy method.
That's it! It really is that simple to have a full SMTP server running within grails and ready to accept and process incoming email.
Cool! Send emails as well?
Sending email from Grails is easiest (and very flexible) with the mail plugin:
Or if you want the ability to control the envelope address to catch bounces, then see my post:
This sounds great! I came here looking for a simple way to test sending of emails, and I found Dumbster good enough as well for that purpose, but was inspired by this post - thanks!