Journal, ISO date 2018-06-05
So much time taken trying to catch up on so much assorted stuff that I didn't deal with last week! Covering PaTMa emails, minor consultancy bug fixes, ASD support and some server adjustments. (~2.5 hours)
I wrote and sent out the latest Redhill Micropreneurs email (1 hour), covering the next micropreneurs social and an interesting ad-hoc event that's coming up (probably already passed by the time I publish this) - a networking picnic in Priory Park.
The largest portion (over 2.5 hours) of my day was spent on making updates to my PaTMa flyer though, which I hope will be printed in the next few days.
I decided to include a screenshot on the flyer but the bare image really didn't fit in. I found a couple of free tools for mocking a screenshot onto devices: and
After the rather tiring effort of the children's bed time and my normal kitchen cleaning I've come back to squeeze in some extra work tonight (although based just on the time, I should really have gone to bed).
I've spent my evening fixing a couple of ASD bugs, some more ASD server changes and finally sorting out an account on Edgar to see if it fits what I want for managing my social media. Initial impression is that it's close and might be enough to stop me writing something myself.
I previously wrote a script to manage auto posting to Twitter for me but since Twitter have restricted repeat tweets, it would need some extra work. It also doesn't post to Facebook or LinkedIn (but then without repeat posts I don't have much to send anyway so perhaps I don't even need an automated tool?).
So Edgar is starting with some good advantages over my home grown solution. However it's not perfect - it can't read the RSS feed for this blog! Edgar also forces you to set a schedule for social media posts and I'd really like a lot (or at least some) more randomness to it. I'd much rather post every "Tuesday morning" at some point rather than "9am Tuesday" precisely. I think a bit of variation has got to look more human and have more chance of catching different people.
I also got around to publishing another of these journal entries. Still about two weeks behind, I think I'll try to catch up a bit in the coming days.
A productive evening but yet another far-too-late bed time for me.