For a long time I've thought that charity fundraising sites are a bit of a con/cheek as they often take quite a large chunk of donations in fees. Today I discovered that one of the better ones is closing down.
I spent far too many hours getting better acquanted with SharePoint than I ever wanted to be.
How anyone has ever, never mind still, uses it I really don't know. Apparently it's entirely possible, even quite common (based on the number of web pages about it), to end up with a "folder" that actually has a different …
I haven't published a journal article for four weeks. Simply because other things have had to take priority.
That shift in priorities started on the 12th November when a major server used by my web and email hosting company started to spew errors from both of it's disks! Thankfully they …
Over a month ago I decided to make some changes that were intended to reduce the amount of time I waste on time-demanding (and perhaps not so enjoyable) games. This week I took a few minutes to see how I've been getting on.
The time I spent playing games (I think this is all time-sucking games …
I got so late with posting my journal last week, and still didn't find time to edit and publish it later in the week, that I decided to roll it over to this week. I've decided to just edit everything together so this post covers the last two weeks.
Having been working on lots of behind the scenes things like server upgrades and migrations over the last few weeks and months for All Secure Domains, this week I started rolling out DKIM signing of outbound email. This is currently only for customers who host DNS and email with ASD - the DNS records …
It's only taken us ten years of living here but we've finally had a panel in our kitchen moved over by 1cm so we can actually fit our washing machine fully under the counter. A day for celebration!
Micropreneurs social
Another first-Thursday rolled past this week and hence so did another Redhill Micropreneurs social evening. I'm …
We have given up! Our heating has been switched on. We were trying to make it to the totally arbitrary goal of reaching October before needing to do such, but after a couple of very cold and disturbed (presumably related) nights, we decided to give up just a little early. I wonder how long it will be …
I've concluded that this style of game is really bad for me (or anyone I think). This is the style of game that demands (to make progress) frequent/regular bits of your time. Eg playing each day to collect a daily reward, or every X hours to restore your shield or collect built-up resources. Couple …
The joy of Unicode with MySQL and Django - make sure you change at the table level, otherwise future column migrations will try to reset away from UTF8.
An interesting read on fork()-ing in Python and how it relates to multiprocess.Pool.
A great (well, I think so) read from the ONS in their latest house prices index. There are some big regional differences in the changes they report but it seems a drop in transactions is pretty consistent across the county. That said the historic numbers do suggest a spike in transaction numbers in April …
Since it's now frowned upon to post repeated content (even on Twitter), and it's tedious to manually think up a new way to say the same thing 10, 20 or more times; I've been thinking about ways it could be automated. It turns out I'm not the only one - here's an intriguing new feature from …
Somehow I managed to end up spending three hours doing Windows desktop support!! This is something I thought I'd escaped from a long time ago. There's just one special SEOSS customer who Tim still provides this for and hence w
hile he's on holiday I get to as well. It's fairly common for Tim and I to …
I got some updates to the design of the buy to let profit calculator live so now it's even easier to use with clearer results. As part of improving the PDFs that the calculator can produce I moved the generation of them from Reportlab to Weasyprint. Having previously avoided PDF rendering tools that convert from …
First week in a while that I've managed to plan whole days for specific projects, rather than each day being a jumble of several. Also the first in ages that I've consistently left the house to work (using a couple of local co-working spaces).
For the next few weeks of summer holiday I'm intending to keep working …
Are there hints of a rate rise coming soon? It would fit fairly neatly with some of the predictions from the Landlord Investment show panel - where it was suggested that the base rate would reach 1% before March next year.