Pither.com / Simon
Development, systems administration, parenting and business

Journal, ISO week 2018-W50

last week

I haven't ended up with much in my notes this week...

It was another week of scheduling in advance and largely sticking to it. :-)

With some assorted PaTMa development, including work on some customer requested features - hopefully going live next week.

The monthly Brighton Product Meet also took place, including some excellent discussions around Twitter marketing and follower building.

Another highlight was my first Christmas dinner of the season, excellently provided by Reigate Manor and organised by Kevin who runs local networking events but doesn't have a website to link to! It was the official Christmas meal for Redhill Micropreneurs with lots of attendees from the group.

Along the way our children managed to fit in two birthday parties (other peoples - not just us with too many at this time of year!), two trips to the local pantomime, two school Christ mas Carol services and a trip to Lazer World!

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