Pither.com / Simon
Development, systems administration, parenting and business

Journal, ISO date 2018-06-08


Networking breakfast - late thanks to my first bad experience with Uber. The driver couldn't get his app to recognise the pick-up (despite mine showing it had). He tried taking me back home thinking it might be geo-fenced but that didn't help. In the end he used Google Maps to navigate and took me to Reigate. Thankfully I made it in time to still grab a cooked breakfast (the most important thing!). Now Uber have charged me about £3 more than normal for the trip because of the extra time taken and distance travelled.

The meeting's speaker took a different approach to normal and rather than talking about what he does - local information searches for property, he spoke about a past adventure sailing around the world; which was a fantastic story to hear.

I also had a great catchup with the founder of Tritel who's just launched the rebranding for his telephony related services company.

Possibly shouldn't have decided to walk back from Reigate to Redhill - it was rather warmer than I thought! Not actually too long a walk though and (veary nearly) all downhill.

Had a very interesting discussion about council budgets and how hard it is to track consequences (and benefits) of how councils spend money, especially when they're working in a support role so the final benefit of the council spending might be realised further away (in terms of affected people and time).

Apart from a few small periods catching up on email and dealing with a couple of consultancy tasks, I managed to get a good few hours of focussed work on moving (newer hardware) and upgrading (software) more of the virtual machines provided by All Secure Domains. Included in those was the VM hosting this site; which added some required software changes, most notably moving to Python3. I also took the opportunity to upgrade Django and assorted libraries, plus sneaking in a couple of extra features I've been thinking about for a while. I can now add files (mostly images) to each post I write rather than having to upload them to the server separately, and I can set an image to use as a social media thumbnail (ie the og:image and twitter:image meta tags, for those curious).

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