Journal, ISO date 2018-06-15
Some more interesting Gothic tower and Guiness family properties to get distracted by.
An entire London skyscraper is sold for quite a lot of money.
About 3 hours logged to "email processing", including nearly 2.5 hours as a solid block of time at the start of my work day! I definitely need to get more detailed in my recording of that time, then work out how to reduce it. I'm sure much of it must be unneeded.
A few minutes sorting out my Photo Friday post and then another 30 fiddling around with Meet Edgar. Concluded that while I quite like it, it doesn't work how I really want. So then spent another 15 minutes sketching out how I would like a social media planning/scheduling app to work (must resist making a git repo for it!).
A few minutes on a site update for a consultancy customer.
A little work (20 minutes) on organising my queue of dev work for PaTMa.
Twenty minutes scanning bits of paper and then disposing of them (always very pleasing).
Thirty minutes starting to catch up on some very overdue reading/thinking required for another consultancy project.
Then an early finish for the school run and childcare for the rest of the day as Liz was helping RSB herd children backstage for tonight's theatre show. Our oldest was also performing again, but in a different role/performance so I really needed to get him there on time (which I did)!