Pither.com / Simon
Development, systems administration, parenting and business

Journal, ISO date 2018-06-29


Apparently government revenue from stamp duty is falling because the housing market has slowed down. Probably a combination of Brexit and increased taxes on landlords.


Nursery run this morning - so that our big two could walk to school again for their Golden Boot challenge.

Also had to pause this afternoon to do the nursery collection too as school collection involved walking a bike home - following our oldest doing bikeability (apparently he passed, despite collecting some good grazes after a too-fast-pot-hole incident yesterday!).

So my work day was a bit shorter than it should have been but I ended up fitting an extra couple of hours during the evening.

My time ended up being roughly:

  • 3.5 hours PaTMa development
  • 1 hour PaTMa marketing
  • 0.5 hours All Secure Domains
  • 0.5 hours on my personal blog (Photo Friday and some other bits)
  • 0.5 hours on Facebook and resulting reading
  • less than 0.5 hours of dealing with email
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