Pither.com / Simon
Development, systems administration, parenting and business

Regex search and replace in Excel

Just imagine that you have a list (a long list) of names in a spreadsheet (no, it's not suitable for export and processing as a CSV) that are unhelpfully in the wrong format. In my case they looked like "FredBloggs" instead of "Fred, Bloggs".

If you happen to be using a decent, open spreadsheet this is easy to fix as …

Grails 1.2.0 (or 1.2.1 snapshot) upgrade

Following the recent release of Grails 1.2.0 I've attempted to upgrade a few of the projects I work on. Some of these attempts have gone better than others.

For one of the simpler ones I only hit two problems.

  1. Combining Acegi with Enum's defined in the same source file as domain objects no longer works. The grails bug is here …


One (probably the only one I've found so far actually) of the benefits to getting up at 6am, is that when you later discover there's 5 inches of snow on the road outside and decide it's not very sensible to try driving in it, you have time to build a snowman instead...

Snowman in-progress

Snowman complete


Girls multi-task, boys cure hiccups

Having observed a sample of two(!) I have reached the conclusion that girls really can multi-task... but that's not always a good thing.

When Edward was very small he would get hiccups a lot. Sophie got them slightly less often but still enough to have noticed a repeating, and different pattern between the two of them.

When Edward got hiccups …

Tags: edward sophie

Resize ext3 in LVM in partition in (KVM/QEMU) virtual image file

I started out with a virtual machine image that was 10GB in size. Within this are two partitions - the first a few hundred MB for /boot and the rest is a LVM partition. The LVM then contains swap, root and /home. In this particular case I needed to make /home bigger, I actually needed an extra couple of GB …

Rolling to rocking

It doesn't seem like long ago that I made a similar post to this. In fact, I guess it wasn't really that long!

Anyway, this time it's Sophie's turn.

Sophie has been quite mobile for a while. She swivels on her stomach then rolls across the room and swivels again to reach her target! For the last couple of weeks …

Tags: sophie

Writing HTML email is unpleasant!

Unfortunately I must admit that a nicely formatted HTML email looks rather better and more catchy as a newsletter than a simple string of plain text. This goes against my general email preference, but even I have relented in recent times and started allowing my mail client to display HTML email (although I still never send it)!

So with this …

Swine Flu: Swabbed

Edward seems to be over his initial symptoms (fever, aches and tiredness) however he's not himself yet, has an intermittent cough and has since yesterday developed a very croaky voice. He's still staying at home and still enjoying lots of rest in front of the TV (he doesn't normally get to watch it, so it's working well to keep him …

Tags: family health flu

Swine Flu: Confirmed (as much as it will be)

Liz has now spoken to our GP who has "confirmed" Edward as having swine flu.

Actual testing is no longer being done as too many new cases are being reported, however the GP said that Edward's symptoms combined with his close contact with the confirmed case (who was actually tested) last week at his nursery is enough to consider Edward …

Tags: family health flu

Swine Flu: Likely

It seems likely that Edward has Swine Flu!

He developed a high temperature (about 39) and tiredness on the afternoon/evening of Tuesday 7th July. He didn't sleep very well at all last night and has been intermittently complaining of hurting limbs. He also has a constantly running nose. Apart from that though he seems to be mostly OK, just a …

Tags: family health flu

A quote

I don't often repeat quotes for the sake of it, but I recently noticed this one in a signature on a mailing list and quite liked it:

"I contend we are both atheists, I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss …


Upgrading a Maven Grails project from 1.1 to 1.1.1

Grails 1.1.1 has been out for a while now. For those people who use grails directly the upgrade path is pretty simple (download, install, run "grails upgrade"). However for those of us who haven decided to build our projects via maven, the path seems to be much less clear.

There is a large mailing list thread or a more succinct …

Extracting a subdirectory from git as a new git repository

Some time ago (about 2 years according to the file timestamps) I created a git repository to house all of my random personal files (letters, tax returns, random notes, etc).

Unfortunately at some point in the last two years I started to add in assorted other bits that really didn't belong, just because I needed somewhere to put them. To …

Obligatory snow post

Two days ago, just after dark it started to snow. Pretty soon, merely a few hours later in fact, the road outside looked like this...


It's times like that when I'm very please I mostly work from home and hence have no concerns about about having to make a difficult journey through the snow in the morning.

However, it's times …

Tags: snow

One Of Each

I am very pleased (and still rather scared) to announce the birth of Sophie Pither.

She was born early in the morning on 10th January and weighed in at 7lb 12oz.

So far, excluding the expected lack of sleep, everyone is doing well.


Tags: sophie

The cost of preparation

This year Liz has been extremely prepared with Christmas. She really wanted to keep the seasonal stress and last minute effort required to a minimum - no need to encourage an early birth after all.

So Liz started our Christmas shopping about three months ago! Apart from a couple of bits that actually couldn't be bought earlier, she had finished …
