Photo Friday: 2018-12-21
Just in case you're feeling tempted to hide from the world at the moment (for whatever reason!), here are a few pictures from my earlier trip to some fascinating WWII tunnels under Clapham.
Taken in August 2018.
Just in case you're feeling tempted to hide from the world at the moment (for whatever reason!), here are a few pictures from my earlier trip to some fascinating WWII tunnels under Clapham.
Taken in August 2018.
I haven't ended up with much in my notes this week...
It was another week of scheduling in advance and largely sticking to it. :-)
With some assorted PaTMa development, including work on some customer requested features - hopefully going live next week.
The monthly Brighton Product Meet also took place, including some excellent discussions around Twitter marketing …
I spent far too many hours getting better acquanted with SharePoint than I ever wanted to be.
How anyone has ever, never mind still, uses it I really don't know. Apparently it's entirely possible, even quite common (based on the number of web pages about it), to end up with a "folder" that actually has a different …
Well, that didn't entirely go according to plan!
I haven't published a journal article for four weeks. Simply because other things have had to take priority.
That shift in priorities started on the 12th November when a major server used by my web and email hosting company started to spew errors from both of it's disks! Thankfully they …
An interesting view of an old building and partial courtyard, from our visit to Lacock Abbey last year. Closely related to this past photo.
Taken in October 2017.
It's been a cold and drizzly day at the end of a rather cold and rainy week; so here's a bright and sunny flower to provide a bit of cheer.
Taken in July 2018.
The Redhill Christmas tree is being put up this week, funded by the Redhill Business Guild and I think being officially switched on with the Belfry lights on the 17th November.
Hence it seems an appropriate week for a couple of pictures of the Redhill Christmas tree from last year.
Both taken in December 2017.
I want to add a line chart option to PaTMa, both for enquiries and pre sales questions as well as support for subscribers.
But it seems there are a lot of live chat options out there at the moment. So, as much as a record for myself as anything, I thought I'd document the ones I've considered and what …
Over a month ago I decided to make some changes that were intended to reduce the amount of time I waste on time-demanding (and perhaps not so enjoyable) games. This week I took a few minutes to see how I've been getting on.
The time I spent playing games (I think this is all time-sucking games …
Having rather overdone flowers from our visit to Sheringham in the summer, this week I'm sneaking in some Sheringham trees just to finish the collection (there might also be one or two more distant flowers too).
All taken in June 2018.
I got so late with posting my journal last week, and still didn't find time to edit and publish it later in the week, that I decided to roll it over to this week. I've decided to just edit everything together so this post covers the last two weeks.
I ran another free co-working day kindly …
It's another week of flowers from our visit to Sheringham in the summer. The last week of flower focus I think though.
All taken in June 2018.
This week it's a collection of purple flowers from our visit to Sheringham in the summer.
All taken in June 2018.
Having been working on lots of behind the scenes things like server upgrades and migrations over the last few weeks and months for All Secure Domains, this week I started rolling out DKIM signing of outbound email. This is currently only for customers who host DNS and email with ASD - the DNS records …
This week it's a collection of white flowers from our visit to Sheringham in the summer.
All taken in June 2018.
I run a local small business group that runs a couple of events every month. These events are either an evening social or a co-working day, always starting at the same time. One of the places I announce these events is on Twitter; however to get noticed on Twitter you need to post quite a lot, which is quite tedious …
It's only taken us ten years of living here but we've finally had a panel in our kitchen moved over by 1cm so we can actually fit our washing machine fully under the counter. A day for celebration!
Another first-Thursday rolled past this week and hence so did another Redhill Micropreneurs social evening. I'm …